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lip balm 唇膏

  • Color Riviver Balm 温变唇膏
Color Riviver Balm 温变唇膏

Color Riviver Balm 温变唇膏

1. Different person different color: the special ingredients of the formula results in the unique chemical reaction to their own lips to make them full of the juice, also make your lip full of bright, rich, glory shine with your own charming style.

2. Containing lots of natural plant elements: blend much more well with lip skin to make sure it is long lasting.moisturizing is more direct and the lips are more firm and full outlook

3. Combine the lip balm and lipstick into one to achieve the double efficacy



PREVIOUS:lip color 唇釉 No next



Contact: Mary wang

Phone: +86-18676267549


Email: mary.wang@colviscosmetics.com

Add: The Fifth Floor, Building No. 3,No 22 Lixiang Road, Economic Development Area,Conghua district, Guangzhou China, 510000广州市从化区经济开发区高技术产业园荔香路22号3栋5楼